Still Raining… Sniff, sniff. The only thing that is keeping us going is that we have some exciting stuff coming up over the next couple weeks, and we are holding out hope for sun on all days!!!
Monkey Man:
- Grammar- Lesson 1.17
- Math- Pg. 347
- Spelling- Word Search
- Science- Impromptu lesson about Horn Tomato Worms (look at photo at bottom)
- BigIQKids
- Time4Learning
Middle Monkey:
- Math- 21A & 10-17
- Grammar- Lesson 14
- Phonics- Pg. 27
- Spelling- Unscramble
- Science- Horn Tomato Worm Lesson
- BigIQKids
- Time4Learning
Little Monkey:
- Phonics- Pg. 28-33 & Pg. 30-34
- Reading- 2 Books
- Math- 10-8 & 10-9
- Spelling- Word Tiles
- Science- Horn Tomato Worm Lesson
- Time4learning
After chores this morning, I went out to pick our tomatoes. While picking them, I discovered this HUGE nasty worm on a branch, and it had eaten some of our tomatoes. Upon looking around, I discovered several more. I took them all off, and we put them in a bucket… while we figured out what they were. Therefore leading us to an impromptu lesson about the Horn Tomato/ Tobacco Worm. Here is picture…
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